In duck world…
Headphone Confusion…
Meat Pie Love and Challenge…
I think I may be in love with meat pies. I don’t care who knows it! I don’t know about you, but I think that food that has a face on it, creates a special connection between the two of you. It’s an extra piece of love that makes you say, mmmmm….
I challenge you to find a cuter meat pie.
All tucked in… Out from under the covers ready to woo with a smile…
PS – I love you meat pie… you were so good to me…
Thunder… rats?
Thunder… bats?
Thunder… tats?
Fast Food Challenge Throwdown to Octavarius
I hereby challenge Chicago-based comedy troupe, Octavarius, to a Fast Food Throwdown of epic cheese proportion. Friendly’s Restaurant Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt. No, your eyes do not deceive. That is a hamburger encased in TWO grilled cheese sandwiches.
Our friends Octavarius have a “Fast Food Quest,” whereby they find the most preposterous meal endorsed by human beings and embark on a pilgrimage to consume it.
As a native New Englander, Friendly’s is a neighborhood stable. The ridiculousness of the BurgerMelt, however, is not.
I proclaim three challenges to Octavarius:
1) Locate a Friendly’s Restaurant in the Midwest.
2) Consume the Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt.
3) Do not die when completing either Challenge #1 or Challenge #2
Also, I want photos.
I’ll be waiting. And also eating a spinach salad from Whole Foods because just typing this post makes me ache for an antacid.