In duck world…

I wonder if duck presidents have a lame human administration period?


Which of these men is HnP improviser Joe Von Bokern and which is leader of the Brooklyn Newsies, Spot Conlon?

The world may never know.

Headphone Confusion…

I was wearing headphones at work today.

My co-worker said something and I thought he was addressing me.

Me: “What do you need?”

Co-worker: “Did you confuse your name with the hook from ‘Don’t Stop Believing’?”

I guess I’m self-centered?

Meat Pie Love and Challenge…

I think I may be in love with meat pies.  I don’t care who knows it!  I don’t know about you, but I think that food that has a face on it, creates a special connection between the two of you.  It’s an extra piece of love that makes you say, mmmmm….

I challenge you to find a cuter meat pie.

All tucked in…                                                        Out from under the covers ready to woo with a smile…

PS – I love you meat pie… you were so good to me…


Which of these men is improviser Jared Swiecicki and which is Horace Goodspeed of the Dharma Initiative? I couldn’t tell either.


Thunder… rats?

Thunder… bats?

Thunder… tats?

Fast Food Challenge Throwdown to Octavarius

I hereby challenge Chicago-based comedy troupe, Octavarius, to a Fast Food Throwdown of epic cheese proportion. Friendly’s Restaurant Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt. No, your eyes do not deceive. That is a hamburger encased in TWO grilled cheese sandwiches.

Our friends Octavarius have a “Fast Food Quest,” whereby they find the most preposterous meal endorsed by human beings and embark on a pilgrimage to consume it.

As a native New Englander, Friendly’s is a neighborhood stable. The ridiculousness of the BurgerMelt, however, is not.

I proclaim three challenges to Octavarius:

1) Locate a Friendly’s Restaurant in the Midwest.

2) Consume the Grilled Cheese BurgerMelt.

3) Do not die when completing either Challenge #1 or Challenge #2

Also, I want photos.

I’ll be waiting. And also eating a spinach salad from Whole Foods because just typing this post makes me ache for an antacid.

Note to self: Just because I wear reading glasses outside does not make them sunglasses. People can see me staring at them.

In honor of Shark Week…

Someone somewhere once decided, “Hey, Spring Break Shark Attack sounds like a great plot to a movie.”

My film degree did not prepare me.