The Umpire Strikes Back

Jim Joyce, what were you thinking, brah?

Last night, veteran MLB umpire Jim Joyce blew the call on a routine ground ball out, declaring that the runner was safe at first base. The emphatic call, which came with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning, cost pitcher Armando Galarraga a rare perfect game. In honor of Joyce’s boneheaded blunder, let’s look back at some of history’s most notorious blown calls.

  1. Bush vs. Gore, 2000 – Ah yes! Who could forget those few shining moments when we liberals experienced the joy of victory as voting closed on the 2000 Presidential election. But wait, what’s this? Florida’s calling it for Bush? Gore’s victory speech was a false alarm?? Oopsies! Alas, even several instant replays couldn’t save this blown call. But it’s okay, right? After all, under G.W. we experienced a flourishing economy, kept ourselves safe from terrorists, and had a leader of whom we could be proud. Oh, wait…
  2. War of the Worlds, 1938 – Where were you in October 1938? If you’re like me, you were huddled around the family radio in your evening slippers while the kids enjoyed the refreshingly smooth taste of unfiltered cigarettes. All was fine until the broadcaster announced that the FUCKING ALIENS WERE ATTACKING! HOLY CRAP!!! In a snap judgment, you gathered your kids, called your wife away from the stove, and took to the streets in fear! Too bad you weren’t paying close enough attention, and missed the part where it was explained that this was all just a radio play of H.G. Wells’ The War of the Worlds. Oopsies! Gather your dignity and head back inside, middle American families.
  3. Who Shot First?, 1977/1997 – Alright Star Wars fans, this one’s for you! In the original Star Wars: A New Hope, Han Solo and Greedo are sitting across from each other at a table in the Mos Eisley Cantina discussing a bounty that Jabba the Hut had placed on Han’s head. During the conversation, Han reaches under the table and fires a blaster shot at Greedo, killing him. Pretty clear, right? Apparently not clear enough for director George Lucas, who altered his own story twenty years later. In the 1997 re-release, Greedo fires an initial blaster shot that misses Han, making Han’s subsequent shot at Greedo appear to be an act of retaliation. Oopsies! This change ultimately compromises Han’s moral ambiguity at the beginning of the trilogy, thus weakening the potency of his transformation into a hero at the end of Return of the Jedi. Bad call, Lucas. Bad, bad, bad.
  4. Meg Kennedy’s Haircut, 2010 – The picture speaks for itself…

What are some of your most memorable missed calls?

Let us talk more about Nicolas Cage!!!! (And post less of Jared’s Facebook Pictures)


Did you know that Nicolas Cage once owned one of the MOST haunted house in the world.  It is true.  He bought the mansion and tried to sell it in 2008.  Here is the story of that VERY MANSION!!!!!! 

In the Mid 1800’s a doctor owned the property and was one of the richest and most respected men of the French Quarter area.  One night during one of the many parties he and his wife would have, the house caught fire.  Well of course the party was simply moved to the court yard and the party continued while the house burned.  

When the fire Department arrived they discovered that a slave who was chained to the stove had started the fire.  They also discovered a number of slaves in the attic.  These slave had undergone torture and surgical experiments.  One report claimed a female slave actually had male genitalia attached to her body.  

The doctor and he wife fled the country and the house was boarded up.  The residents recounted hearing screaming and moaning coming from the grounds for weeks after the event.  In the 1900s the house was sold and remodeled.  During the remodeling process a number of skeletons were found between the walls and floor boards of the house.  They were former slaves that had been in the house and starved since the fire.  That was the screaming and moaning residents heard. 

When Cage bought the property he only spent one night there before boarding it up and trying to sell it.  

What a rich and horrifying history we have.

Ugliest Dog In the WORLD- True Story

John, I know you think that that dog is scary, but look at Sam the ugliest dog in the world.  This freaks me out just looking at it…  Click the picture for more information if you dare…

(bad) Jokes!

When was the first time you woke up naked not knowing where you were?… Birth.

Now here’s a picture of a scary puppy!

We’re so excited, we’re so excited, we’re so scared

Ok, well at least we’re so excited. The HnP 8 week run at Studio BE (3110 N. Sheffield Ave.) begins THIS MONDAY, May 31st, 8 PM, only $5.

We promise we won’t get addicted to caffeine pills like Jesse Spano. Joe’s already got a serious crank habit we’re trying break.

Funny Monkey Pictures!!

funny monkey pictures

Yes, this is how excited we are that our 8 week run at Studio BE, beginning this coming Monday, May 31!  It’ll be more fun than a barrel of… well, you know.