I can’t get enough of the Nicholas Cage shitshow! Stay tuned for what other gems I’ve got waiting.
Nicholas Cage won’t eat pork because he doesn’t like how pigs have sex…
In my defense…
Ok so here’s the deal. So maybe I don’t know what Phil does for a living. So maybe we’ve known each other for over a year. So maybe I see him 3-4 times a week. What’s your point?
The fact of the matter is: I like to keep Phil Buuck a mystery man! I had a revelation one day (months and and months and months ago) when I realized I had no clue what his job is. It was at that moment that I decided to make it my personal goal to keep Philip Buuck the enigmatic entity I’d previously thought.
Every time someone starts to give a hint I aggressively shush them as if they are about to tell me Bruce Willis is really a ghost. Jared grins. Vabs giggles. Thus, the charade grows! (Sidebar, is Phil really a ghost?)
I swear I’m not a bad friend. I’m just a mystery-loving, thrill-seeking, enigma-endorsing gal.
Plus I never asked him.
Our new career?
Just announced: Drama and Fine Arts in top ten for worst paying college degrees. We win! Top ten! Suck it, engineering with your paychecks!
Still hung over from too many tequila shooters with Mom yesterday? Kick back & relax with an HnP show TONIGHT @10pm at The Playground! Only $5!